Local 709 Ratifies New Contract

Our Local 709 Bargaining Committee would like to thank the Membership for ratifying the new contract.

With over 82% of the votes in favour of ratification, our Membership has ratified the new contract.

Highlights of the contract include:

3 year contract with wage increases:

2024 = 3.0% — 2025 = 3.25% — 2026 = 3.25% — this also will include back pay in 2024 going back to Jan. 01 — we are not sure when we will get the back pay but we think it will be in late August or sometime in September — once we know we will post the news on this website

Shift differential increase of 10%

Extra half day stat on Christmas Eve

Extra 20 minutes break on a 10 hour shift

Increase in your banked vacation from 240 hours to 320 hours based on a 40 hour work week

Thank you again L709 Membership for ratifying this contract — we will see you at our next meeting in September.


Special Ratification Meeting — Tuesday, July 9, 2024 at 18.00 Sharp– In Person ONLY

All Local 709 Membership is invited to the Union Hall for a Special Ratification Meeting on July 9, 2024 at 18.00 to view and ratify the proposed contract.  President Frank Donegan will do a presentation outlining the details of the various proposals.

Note:  This is an In Person Vote Only — we will not be going online for this vote.

Note:  The date is Tuesday, July 9th at 18.00 Sharp

We hope to see you all there

Local 709 Equity Scholarship Application Forms — 1 Scholarship worth $500 — Deadline end of day Friday, August 2, 2024

Please see below for the 709 Equity Scholarship Application Forms — Deadline is end of day Friday, August 2, 2024.

Email: Frank@cupe709.ca before deadline.





CUPE Local 709 has set up an Education Fund offering one (1) scholarships of $500.00 to a

Educational opportunity  in Alberta.


The conditions of this scholarship are:


1)   The scholarship would be awarded to sons and daughters of current and retired members in good standing, of CUPE Local 709, who is over 18yrs old and  will be enrolled in any education opportunity in September 2024.


2.)                   The recipient of the scholarship must be prepared to show that his/her level of education is sufficient to allow admission and enrolled in program.


3)   The student must complete an application form, which can be obtained from the office of the Executive of Local 709. Returned to 5112 3rd Street Se Calgary AB T2H1J6


4)    The application form, to be submitted no later than August 2, 2024,  must be accompanied by an essay, of approximately 500 words dealing with the following topic:


Why it is important we support the equity seeking groups?


5)   Essays should be typed, double-spaced, on 8 ‘/2″ X 11″ paper.


6)   The selection and judging will be done by Alberta’s CUPE Education Representative or designate.


7)   Proof of acceptance at an institution of higher education will be required before an award is given.


8)   The awarding of the scholarship will be based on the following principals:


  1. The academic record and all-around achievement of the student, attested to by the Principal of their high school or Dean of their current faculty if they are currently enrolled in a post – secondary institution. (Attach letter of recommendation from Principal or Dean or President of Institution or Pastor to the application form).
  2. The 500 word essay; and
  3. Proof of acceptance or enrollment in an institution of education, trade school , any course of self improvement , beauty culture, driver training , life guarding , night school , JED ect..










Date of Birth: Phone Number:
Name of Parent or Guardian:



School Attending:  
Record:         % or Standing


Recommendation of teacher or principal (attach letter if more space is needed)








Plans for further Education (Use separate sheet if needed)





Application to be returned no later than August 2,  2024, accompanied by your 500 word essay (essay will not be returned).


Date Submitted:___________________________


Signature of Applicant:_____________________________

Local 709 Scholarship Application Forms — 2 Scholarships each worth $2500 — Deadline end of day Friday, August 2, 2024

Please see below for the application forms for our 2 x $2500 709 Scholarships — see instructions below.

Email: Frank@cupe709.ca with completed forms by deadline.





CUPE Local 709 has set up an Education Fund offering two (2) scholarships of $2500.00 each to a

post – secondary school student in Alberta.


The conditions of this scholarship are:


1)   The scholarship would be awarded to sons and daughters of current and retired members in good standing, of CUPE Local 709, who will be enrolled in a post – secondary education institution in September 2024.


2.)                   The recipient of the scholarship must be prepared to show that his/her level of education is sufficient to allow admission or maintain enrollment in an approved institution of higher education such as university, technological institute, teachers college, nursing school, etc.


3)   The student must complete an application form, which can be obtained from the our web site ( cupe709.ca)or office of the Executive of Local 709. Returned to 5112 3rd Street Se Calgary AB T2H1J6.


4)    The application form, to be submitted no later than Friday , August 2, 2024, must be accompanied by an essay, of approximately 750 words dealing with one of the following topics:


  1. How do the changes to the Labour Code, Employment Standards Code, Occupational Health and Safety laws and Workers Compensation Board, made by the Alberta Provincial Government help workers in Alberta?
  2. What benefits, initially won by unionized workers through Collective Bargaining, are now largely available to all working people?
  3. What makes employees in a non-union workplace want to form a union?
  4. How do unions use Collective Bargaining to solve problems?



5)   Essays should be typed, double-spaced, on 8 ‘/2″ X 11″ paper.


6)   The selection and judging will be done by Alberta’s CUPE Education Representative or designate.


7)   Proof of acceptance at an institution of higher education will be required before an award is given.


8)   The awarding of the scholarship will be based on the following principals:


  1. The academic record and all-around achievement of the student, attested to by the Principal of their high school or Dean of their current faculty if they are currently enrolled in a post – secondary institution. (Attach letter of recommendation from Principal or Dean to the application form).
  2. The 750 (Approximately) word essay; and
  3. Proof of acceptance or enrollment in an institution of higher education for 2024.









Date of Birth: Phone Number:
Name of Parent or Guardian:



School Attending:
Record:         % or Standing


Recommendation of teacher or principal (attach letter if more space is needed)








Plans for further Education (Use separate sheet if needed)





Application to be returned no later than Friday , August 2, 2024 accompanied by your 750 ( approximately) word essay (essay will not be returned).


Date Submitted:___________________________


Signature of Applicant:_____________________________