CUPE 709 2023 Children’s Christmas Gift Pick-Up

Join us for our annual Children’s Christmas Gift Pick-Up on

Saturday, December 9th, 2023 — 8AM to Noon !!!

Eligible ages are from Newborns to 12 year olds

Please call or email  Frank at the Union Hall to register your child by Tuesday, November, 17th

Please pick up your child’s gift at the back door of the Union Hall according to schedule below based on your last name’s initial:

8:00 AM to 9:00 AM —  A to F

9:00 AM to 10:00 AM — G to L

10:00 AM to 11:00 AM — M to R

11:00 AM to NOON — S to Z


CUPE 709 7th Annual Golf Cup

This year’s annual CUPE 709 Golf Cup was held at Maple Ridge Golf Course.


We had a tie for first place with a score of minus 10:

Dan Payne, Aaron Bolan, Scott Blakley, Justin Charles

Dixon Ong, Reid Schmaltz, Robin Innes, Andy Glienke



Longest Drive: Dixon Ong

Longest Putt:  Andy Glienke

Closest to the Pin:  Jason Howse

Modification of LOU#10

C. Mobility Maintenance Relief:
I. District Foreman (03950 – F6)/District 1 Foreman (03948 – F6)

Relief shall be assigned to the top ranked employee, from the applicable relief list, within their assigned Depot/Site.

If no relief Foreman is available within the same Depot, the assignment shall be filled by the top ranked relief Foreman, in the other Depot within the same District, where applicable.

If no relief Foreman is available within the District, the assignment shall be filled by the top ranked relief Foreman across Maintenance.

When a Foreman relief is thirty-five (35) calendar days and over within Maintenance, relief shall be filled with the highest ranked eligible employee.