Our Executive
Frank Donegan – President
Frank began his career with the City of Calgary in 1999 and is a Foreman in Mobility. He has been active with CUPE 709 since 2015. He has held several posts on the 709 Executive such as Executive-at-Large and Vice-President before becoming President of CUPE 709 in 2019. He was re-elected in 2024.
- Phone: (403) 629-9125
- Email: frank@cupe709.ca
Dan Payne – Vice-President
Dan began his career with the City of Calgary in 2009 and has been a Mobility Foreman since 2013. He was elected Vice-President in 2023.
- P: (403) 461-6998
- Email: vpcupe709@shaw.ca
Vincent Ricioppo — Secretary-Treasurer
Vincent has been with the City of Calgary for 10 years and is a Foreman in Mobility. He was elected Secretary Treasurer in 2024.
- Cell: (403) 891-2769
- Email: treasurercupe709@shaw.ca
Serge Lutz – Recording Secretary
Serge began with the City of Calgary in 2001 and has been a Mobility Foreman since 2008. Serge has been active in 709 since 2017 when he was first elected Sergeant-At-Arms. He was elected Recording Secretary in 2023.
- Cell: (587) 891-8662
- Email: recsec@cupe709.ca
Mike Hill – Sergeant-at-Arms
Mike has worked with the City of Calgary for over 30 years. He has been active in the 709 Union for several years and has held the position of Executive At Large in the past. He was elected Sergeant at Arms in 2024.
- Cell: (403) 269-1160
- Email: saacupe709@shaw.ca
Jim Annan – Executive-at-Large
Jim has been with the City of Calgary for over 30 years and is a Foreman in Mobility. He has been active in CUPE 709 since 2004 and held various positions on the 709 Executive such as Treasurer. He was elected Executive-at-Large in 2024.
- Cell: (403) 607-6022
- Email: ealcupe709@shaw.ca
Deena Kapacila – National Representative
- Cell: (403) 634- 0295
- Email: dkapacila@cupe.ca
CUPE 709 Office is located at:
- 5112 3 Street SE — Calgary, AB
- Office Phone: (403) 269-1160