Local 709 Ratifies New Contract

Our Local 709 Bargaining Committee would like to thank the Membership for ratifying the new contract.

With over 82% of the votes in favour of ratification, our Membership has ratified the new contract.

Highlights of the contract include:

3 year contract with wage increases:

2024 = 3.0% — 2025 = 3.25% — 2026 = 3.25% — this also will include back pay in 2024 going back to Jan. 01 — we are not sure when we will get the back pay but we think it will be in late August or sometime in September — once we know we will post the news on this website

Shift differential increase of 10%

Extra half day stat on Christmas Eve

Extra 20 minutes break on a 10 hour shift

Increase in your banked vacation from 240 hours to 320 hours based on a 40 hour work week

Thank you again L709 Membership for ratifying this contract — we will see you at our next meeting in September.